What is C60 (Fullerene)?
C60 or Carbon 60 is a naturally occurring carbon based molecule forming the shape of a soccer ball also know as "Bucky Balls".
Why C60?
C60 is the most powerful anti-oxidant know and is highly effective at scavenging free radicals in the body.
Key Benefits
- Highest Quality Carbon 60 Buckminster Fullerene from SES Research USA
- Food Grade ESS60 version
- Organic Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 2 week mixing time
- Solvent Free
- Recyclable packaging, nothing fancy just great products
- Powerful Anti-oxidant- Great than 170 times more powerful than Vitamin C
- Anti Inflammatory
- Anti- Ageing
- Anti Viral
- UV and Radiation Protection
- Mitochondrial Health
- Gut Health
- Skin and Nerve Protection
- Vegan Friendly
- Paleo Friendly
- Non GMO
Ingredients: Organic Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, C60 Fullerene (99.99% purity)
Recommended Usage:
Consume 1ml with or without food
30 serves per bottle with 800mg of C60 Fullerene per serve
Made in Australia from Imported Ingredients (USA)
Scientific Studies
The prolongation of the lifespan of rats by repeated oral administration of [60] fullerene