

The impact of Milk Kefir on Seasonal Allergies



オーストラリア臨床免疫アレルギー学会 ( ASCIA ) は、草、雑草、木の花粉がアレルギー性鼻炎 (一般に枯草熱として知られている) や喘息の症状を引き起こす可能性があると指摘しています。花粉の季節は数か月続くこともあり、花粉への曝露を避けるのは困難です。アレルギー性鼻炎の症状は、吸入した花粉に対する体の免疫反応によって引き起こされ、目や鼻腔の慢性的な炎症を引き起こします。中程度から重度の症例では、アレルギー性鼻炎が喘息発作を引き起こすこともあります。


過去 1 か月間、私は解決策を見つけるために研究論文を調べてきました。驚いたことに、多くのアレルギー関連の病気と同様に、腸の健康が再び鍵となるようです。

ミルクケフィアには、体の炎症メカニズムを抑制することで抗アレルギー効果があることを示す研究が数多くあります (1、2、3)。ここでの炎症とは、花粉などのアレルゲンなどの異物に対する体の反応です。これに反応して、腸細胞は次亜塩素酸塩 (家庭用漂白剤) や過酸化水素 (一般的な消毒用化学物質) などの活性酸素代謝物 (4) を生成します。

私の仮説は、免疫システムが過剰に活性化し、活性酸素代謝産物が生成されることにより、共生細菌や古い友人(マイケル・モズレー博士の造語)が無差別に殺され、腸内微生物叢が著しく破壊され、腸が弱まり、時間の経過とともに状況が悪化する可能性があるというものです。私たちは、 Allele MicrobiomeのGut Explorer - Microbiome Analysis Projectを通じてさらに調査を進めています。 炎症を起こす食品や生活習慣をすべて注意深く見直します。


これらの発見に基づいて、自家製ミルクケフィアの摂取量を 600 ml (1 日 3 回 200 ml) に大幅に増やしました。季節性アレルギー症状が大幅に軽減され、はるかに耐えられるようになったことに気付き始めました。これは、炎症サーモスタットを下げることで、腸内の古い仲間が再び繁殖し、強化されるようなものだと再び仮説を立てています。


1) Lee et. al、マウス喘息モデルにおけるケフィアの抗炎症および抗アレルギー効果、
免疫生物学. 2007;212(8):647-54.電子出版2007年7月10日.

2) Wong et.al,ケフィア乳酸菌の抗アレルギー効果、 J Food Sci. 2010年10月;75(8):H244-53. doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2010.01787.x. Epub 2010年9月20日。

3) Adiloğlu AK、et al. ケフィア摂取によるヒト免疫系への影響:サイトカイン研究、Mikrobiyol Bul. 2013年4月;47(2):273-81。

4) Simmons NJ et al. 炎症性腸疾患における粘膜活性酸素代謝物の化学発光アッセイ、消化器病学。 1992年7月;103(1):186-96。



インスタグラム: クリベンゴベンダー

フェイスブック: クリベンジー

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. It is designed for general wellness and does not claim to provide therapeutic benefits. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your health or wellness routine. Supplements should not replace a balanced diet.


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9件の考え 「 ミルクケフィアが季節性アレルギーに与える影響 」について

  1. avatar Ivanka 言う:

    Three members of the family were on home made milk kefir. The first effects were favourable, especially with rinitis. However, things got worse through time. The first noticed gut bloating and stomach trouble and stopped eating it. The second became helpless with inflammation of the finger tissue around nails as allergy to antibacterial cleansers which would not stop. He refrained from kefir but so far with no good effect. The third got all the skin of the intimate part red. Even there, it has not stopped with prescribed medication. Evidently, disruption of the gut flora needs time to reestablish.
    My advice: take care, stop with it in time when it still shows favourable results. The gut cannot be outwitted.

  2. avatar Kriben Govender 言う:

    Hi, Emmeline, I noticed the difference within a few days of consumption. You can also ask in our Gut Health Gurus Facebook group

  3. avatar Emmeline Yeo 言う:

    Hi Kriben,

    I have a seasonal allergy called chronic rhinitis (hay fever) which causes my nose to act up very badly (runny and itchy nose, non stop sneezing, watery eyes) during summer and spring mostly. I am just wondering if you know of anyone (or yourself) who has taken milk kefir or any kind of kefir and it helped that person significantly alleviate or eliminate their symptoms completely? I’m trying to find reviews posted by such persons but not really found any on your website yet…..

  4. avatar Jane Deerfield 言う:

    I purchased kefir grains a little over a month and a half ago and started making and drinking kefir (2nd fermentation) as soon as I received them. I have seasonal allergies which cause a cough so severe and continuous that you would think I was coughing up a lung. I was on prescription medication of a daily tablet (made me very drowsy) and a nasal spray. I stopped the tablets after two weeks of drinking kefir milk and the nasal spray a few days after that. My allergy cough is practically non-existent. Maybe I could have stopped the prescription medication sooner, but I wanted to give the kefir milk a chance. Now, I simply no longer need the allergy medication and I continue to drink kefir milk daily, 3-4 cups a day, divided between two 16 oz. mugs. I have learned of the many wonderful health benefits of kefir milk, but I wanted to comment on how it has helped my season allergies.

    Thank you.

    Jane D, Dayton, Ohio

  5. avatar Tristan Waller 言う:

    Hi Kriben,
    I too have experienced severe allergies (at my worst extreme I’ve had blisters in Sinuses and roof of mouth!). I’ve experienced that when I’m in the midst of an attack, I can gargle a mouth full of kefir and it instantly alleviates all symptoms for about 30 mins, indicating to me that the anti-inflammatory properties may also be topical (i.e. I’m reacting instantly before it reaches gut)? Just thought this may help you with your research.



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