A red stemmed bunching (or spring) onion that originates from Japan. Easy to grow and suited to variety of soil types, this is must grow heirloom variety. Rather than harvest the entire onion, cut down for it to regenerate and produce subsequent harvests
When to Plant
Zone 1: Oct - Apr
Zone 2: Sep - May
Zone 3: Anytime
Zone 4: Anyime
SoilĀ The soil should be well- drained and not contain excessive nitrogen. The main requirement for onions is potassium, so apply wood ash or potash prior to planting.
Soil pH LevelĀ 6.5
PositionĀ Full sun or partial shade, in a spot that follows leafy green crops such as lettuce or cabbage.
How to PlantĀ Sow the seeds directly into the veggie patch. Ā
SpacingĀ 5cm
DepthĀ 0.5cm
Companion PlantsĀ Carrots
Approximate no. of seedsĀ 60
Note: We source all of our seeds locally and in small batches to ensure they remain at their maximum viability for germination
Please note seeds are not available for shipping to WA