
Biji Kefir Susu Almond Organik Mentah 5g + Buku Resep Elektronik

$36.99 AUD $29.97 AUD

Spesies Probiotik yang Dianalisis dan Disertifikasi Laboratorium ada di sini Apa itu Kefir Susu Almond? Kefir Susu Almond merupakan minuman fermentasi yang memiliki tekstur dan konsistensi seperti yoghurt minum, dengan rasa...

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Penjual: Nourishme Organics SKU: Tidak tersedia

Spesies Probiotik yang Dianalisis dan Disertifikasi Laboratorium ada di sini

Apa itu Kefir Susu Almond?

Kefir Susu Almond merupakan minuman fermentasi yang memiliki tekstur dan konsistensi seperti yoghurt minum, dengan rasa seperti ragi, sedikit asam dan tekstur lembut di mulut.

Buatlah kefir almond organik mentah alami yang lezat untuk keluarga Anda setiap hari.

Bagaimana cara kerja Kefir Susu Almond?

Kefir Susu Almond adalah probiotik - sumber bakteri dan ragi bermanfaat yang membantu menjaga kesehatan sistem pencernaan.

Potensi Manfaat Kesehatan

  • Terlihat dan merasa lebih sehat dalam hitungan hari
  • Merasa lebih energik dan bersemangat
  • Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh
  • Probiotik ampuh dengan sekitar 100 strain
  • Anti-inflamasi yang kuat
  • Mengoptimalkan pencernaan dan pemanfaatan nutrisi dari makanan yang dikonsumsi
  • Alkalis dan detoksifikasi tubuh
  • Kaya akan Vitamin dan Mineral

Mungkin mengandung jejak susu

Bagaimana Cara Membuat Kefir Susu Almond?

Cukup tambahkan 1 sdm (5g) biji kefir susu almond organik segar yang disediakan ke dalam 1 cangkir susu almond organik dan biarkan berfermentasi selama 24 jam. Saring biji kefir dan gunakan pada batch berikutnya. Instruksi dan dukungan berkelanjutan disertakan dengan pembelian.

Instruksi Detail Disini


  • PENTING: Kami hanya mengirimkan Biji Kefir pada hari Senin, Selasa dan Rabu sehingga tidak perlu transit melalui Australia Post selama akhir pekan

Tautan ke Buku Resep akan dikirim melalui email saat barang dikirim. Harap periksa email konfirmasi pengiriman Anda dan jika Anda belum menerimanya, pastikan untuk memeriksa Folder Email Sampah Anda.

Pengiriman & Pengantaran
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Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews
Wendy C.
almond milk kefir grains

Of course the proof will be in the pudding, but I've used them in home made oat milk, with date paste added and haven't yet tasted it. Fingers crossed. I appreciated the timely delivery.

Hi there, thank you for your review! We're glad to hear that you've received your almond milk kefir grains in a timely manner and have already started experimenting with them. We hope that the oat milk with date paste turns out delicious and we can't wait for you to try it. Keep us updated and happy kefir-making!

Sheena B. (Brisbane, AU)
So far so good

The grains took a couple of goes to get activated but they seem to be okay now and are starting to produce what I think is the desired end-product. Looking forward to experimenting more with them as time goes on.

Thank you Sheena...happy kefir making

Carolyn Z. (Perth, AU)
Worked better in coconut milk

I tried the almond kefir maybe I was doing something wrong but next ferment I used coconut milk- it’s happily bubbling away. So much so the lid blew off! I did use organic almond but it hardly fermented. Anyhow the coconut tastes better IMO.

Thank you Carolyn...we recommend add a dried date with Almond milk to help fermentation...sounds like you've successfully transitioned to Coconut Milk

Tanyia R. (Sydney, AU)
Will keep trying

Milk kefir grains arrived with an ice pack and the almond milk ones didn't so assume that's OK?? Directions didn't clarify if the date or fig should be reused or replaced so I replaced each time. Kefir separates a lot and on 5th batch has a sour smell that is unpleasant. Will keep trying though. I would like more pictures of how it should look - that would be helpful.

Thank you for you feedback Tanyia...please email us or call on 1800 959 787 and our team will assist

Jo L. (Sydney, AU)
Almond Kefir separates

I bought the almond kefir kit and my kefir grains are going well and it is a lot of fun making it. But the kefir doesn't look very nice as the almond milk separates and it is not creamy or consistent like runny yogurt. And it is because of the almond milk. It just means that the kids won't drink it. Thankfully I also bought the Jun Kombucha kit as well and the kids love that!

Thank you for your feedback MamaJoJo glad your and enjoying fermenting