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Kultur Pemula Yoghurt Bebas Susu Mad Millie (Ideal untuk Yoghurt Kelapa) x 5

$12.99 AUD

Kultur Yoghurt Bebas Susu Mad Millie merupakan kultur ideal untuk yoghurt, yoghurt vegan, skyr, dan keju yoghurt. Kultur yoghurt bebas susu ini adalah kultur yoghurt beku-kering yang mengandung Streptococcus thermophiles, Lactobacillus...

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Habis Stok - Silakan Coba Pilih Variasi Lain

Penjual: Mad Millies SKU: Tidak tersedia

Kultur Yoghurt Bebas Susu Mad Millie merupakan kultur ideal untuk yoghurt, yoghurt vegan, skyr, dan keju yoghurt.

Kultur yoghurt bebas susu ini adalah kultur yoghurt beku-kering yang mengandung Streptococcus thermophiles, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium lactis dan Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Simpan di bawah 25 ° C

5 sachet akan menghasilkan:
5 batch (5 L/5 US qt) Yoghurt atau Skyr
10 batch (8 L/8 qt AS) Yoghurt Vegan

Bebas Produk Susu - Bebas Gluten

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Fiona (Brisbane, AU)
It works

The yoghurt starter works well. Easy to use. Fast service. Thank you Mad Millie.

Thank you for the review! We're glad to hear that the starter works well and that it was easy to use. We appreciate your feedback!

Sue P. (Brisbane, AU)

The yoghurt didn t quote work out I am positive it was the way I made it , I will keep trying, the product is good, I will order again.....

Thank you for your honest review. Don't worry, making yoghurt can be a bit tricky at first, but with practise, it becomes easier. We are here to help you with any questions you may have, so please don't hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your support, and we look forwards to your next order.

Emma W. (Perth, AU)
2x dairy free yogurt starters

first time making yogurt and it works great. Great product, will order again

Thank you Emma

Wendy H. (Auckland, NZ)
Coconut milk yoghurt

Didn't work for coconut milk yoghurt which is what i bought it for. I have tried 4 different recipes... dissapointed

Hi Wendy sorry that this product didn't work. You might like to try our brand which is 100% pure

Mary D. (Wellington, NZ)
Mad Millies Yogurt culture

The best.
Kiwis - just make sure - if you are purchasing online you purchase from a NZ supplier.
An Australian supplier has top spot on the listings and postage costs more than the product !!
Lesson learned.