
Tanah Diatom Organik Kelas Makanan 200g

$24.99 AUD $19.98 AUD

Pembersih Usus Terbaik Apa itu Tanah Diatom? Tanah diatom, makanan super penyembuh usus, terbentuk dari endapan alami sisa-sisa fosil makhluk air kecil yang dikenal sebagai diatom. Fosil-fosil tersebut diambil dari danau...

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Penjual: Nourishme Organics SKU: Tidak tersedia

Pembersih Usus Terbaik

Apa itu Tanah Diatom?

Tanah diatom, makanan super penyembuh usus, terbentuk dari endapan alami sisa-sisa fosil makhluk air kecil yang dikenal sebagai diatom. Fosil-fosil tersebut diambil dari danau air tawar purba di Queensland Utara, Australia, dikeringkan di bawah sinar matahari, dan digiling menjadi bubuk halus yang mudah larut dalam air.

Fitur Utama

  • Tanah Diatom Kelas Pangan Premium Australia
  • Semua Alami
  • Ditambang dari danau air tawar purba di Far North Queensland, Australia
  • Dikeringkan dan digiling di bawah sinar matahari
  • 100%, Tanpa Tambahan, Tanpa Bahan Pengisi, Tanpa Bahan Jahat
  • Bebas Gluten
  • Makanan sehat

Manfaat Kesehatan dari Tanah Diatom

  • Membersihkan usus dengan lembut
  • Penghapusan radikal bebas secara alami
  • Pemberantasan alami virus, patogen, endotoksin, parasit
  • Penghapusan logam seperti aluminium secara alami
  • Detoksifikasi Alami
  • Pembersihan Alami Saluran Pencernaan
  • Anti penuaan
  • Kesehatan tulang, sendi dan kulit
  • Meningkatkan produksi kolagen
  • Meningkatkan fungsi kekebalan tubuh
  • Meningkatkan pencernaan dan pergerakan usus
  • Peningkatan energi


100% Tepung Cangkang Fosil Organik Australia Kelas Makanan (silika amorf)


Silika (Si02) > 70%

Kalsium (Ca) 1,00%

Magnesium (Mg) 0,60%

Mangan (Mn) 0,50%

Fosfor (P) 0,01%

Kalium (K) 0,20%

Besi (Fe) 4,00%

Kobalt (Co) 5mg/kg

Molibdenum (Mo) 5 mg/kg

Belerang (S) 42mg/kg

Seng (Zn) 42mg/kg

Cara Penggunaan

Campurkan 1 sendok teh Tanah Diatom ke dalam segelas air atau smoothie favorit Anda. Konsumsi dua kali sehari.


40 x 5g sajian per bungkus
Produk Australia
Seperti yang Direkomendasikan oleh Morley Robbins - Protokol Akar Penyebab (RCP)
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Customer Reviews

Based on 54 reviews
Melissa P. (Brisbane, AU)

Organic Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth 200g

Hi there! Thank you for taking the time to leave a review for our Organic Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. We're so happy to hear that you're satisfied with your purchase. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. Have a great day!

Chantelle F. (Sydney, AU)
Unbelievable 🥰

Okay so I was an absolute sceptic, until I drank it for the first time I always felt like there was some sort of lump blockage on my right side to my tummy and the first time I drank it I actually felt the blockage move gone. I was standing in my kitchen in absolute shock and I’ve just been getting better and better ever since I’ve been taking it now for 10 days and my health is improved every single day. Thank you so much to nourish me and please please get an app so we can buy your products with one click 🥰

Thank you for your amazing review! We are so glad to hear that our Organic Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth has helped improve your health. We will definitely take your suggestion into consideration and look into creating an app for easier purchasing. Thank you for choosing Nourish Me!

leonie b. (Sydney, AU)
This powder got me through an anaphylactic reaction to my 1st dose of antibiotics in 80 years.

I was suffering terribly with a reaction to Sulphites in an antibiotic which I had no choie but to take at the time, and broke out in hives, difficlties in breathing, pains in the ribcage, a foul metallic taste in the LHS of my mouth, swollen veins and very tender soles of my feet. The DE with it’s 74% Silica content plus much more, kept my body from completely breaking down and into a very fast recovery once the Sulphites had left the system.
Thank you to Nourishme Organics for supplying such top quality food grade D.E. _ a very happy consumer, ljb, from Bateau Bay NSW

Thank you for sharing your experience with our Organic Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. We are so glad to hear that it helped you through your anaphylactic reaction and aided in your recovery. We take great pride in providing top quality products and we are happy that it made a positive impact for you. Thank you for choosing Nourishme Organics. Wishing you good health always. - Customer Service at Nourishme Organics

Alexis B. (Melbourne, AU)
Diatomaceous earth

Helping my gut so much, and brain fog, also super fast delivery!

Hi there! We are delighted to hear that our organic food grade diatomaceous earth has been helping your gut and brain fog. We strive to provide fast delivery for our customers, and we are glad we could meet your expectations. Thank you for choosing our product and for taking the time to leave a review. Have a fantastic day!

Yanni R. (Melbourne, AU)

Your product arrived very. Quickly and we’ll packaged.
Always hard to know about products that we use to improve our health.
But 8 do think your product is making me more regular for going to the toilet.
I generally put a teaspoon in my smoothi3 each day.
Very nice to take, no difficult tastes to deal with.
Thank you and will order again.
Keep up the great service and work.
Cheers yanni

Hi Yanni, thank you for taking the time to leave a review for our Organic Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. We're glad to hear that you received the product quickly and that it was well packaged. We're also happy to know that it is helping with your regularity and that you find it easy to incorporate into your daily smoothie. Thank you for your kind words and we look forward to serving you again. Keep up the good work on your health journey!