
Suplemen Prebiotik GOS 100g

$54.99 AUD $49.96 AUD

Galaktooligosakarida, ( Beta GOS) adalah suplemen makanan makanan untuk meningkatkan asupan serat dan/atau meningkatkan pertumbuhan bakteri non-patogen tertentu, termasuk, tetapi tidak terbatas pada bifidobacteria dan lactobacilli.* Manfaat 100% Murni Versi Beta...

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Penjual: Nourishme Organics SKU: Tidak tersedia

Galaktooligosakarida, ( Beta GOS) adalah suplemen makanan makanan untuk meningkatkan asupan serat dan/atau meningkatkan pertumbuhan bakteri non-patogen tertentu, termasuk, tetapi tidak terbatas pada bifidobacteria dan lactobacilli.*


  • 100% Murni Versi Beta
  • Efek prebiotik dan bifidogenik yang terbukti (mendorong pertumbuhan Bifobacteria)*
  • Stimulasi produksi Asam Lemak Rantai Pendek yang bermanfaat*
  • Nilai kalori rendah
  • Larut dalam air dingin atau panas
  • Kaya Serat
  • Bebas Gluten
  • Fodmap Rendah
  • Ramah Mikrobioma*
  • Bebas GMO
  • Diuji Pihak Ketiga

Cara Penggunaan

Minum 1 hingga 2 sendok teh GOS sekali sehari. Cukup campurkan ke dalam segelas air, jus, teh, atau kopi. Tambahkan ke minuman atau makanan panas/dingin.

Selama minggu pertama mengonsumsi GOS , pengguna mungkin mengalami perut bergemuruh lebih dari biasanya , mungkin juga ada kelebihan angin atau kembung . Gejala-gejala ini seharusnya tidak terlalu mengganggu dan akan berhenti , biasanya pada akhir minggu pertama


30 x 3,33g sajian per bungkus

Asal : Inggris Raya


Galaktooligosakarida 100% Murni

Saran Alergen: Mengandung Produk Susu, dikemas di fasilitas yang juga memproses, kedelai, dan kacang pohon

Studi Penelitian

Efek Prebiotik vs Diet Rendah Fodmaps pada Pasien dengan Gangguan Usus Fungsional

Efek diet kaya galaktooligosakarida pada mikrobiota feses dan profil metabolit pada tikus

Evaluasi prebiotik campuran galaktooligosakarida baru yang dihasilkan oleh aktivitas enzimatik Bifidobacterium bifidum NCIMB 41171, pada manusia sehat: studi intervensi acak, double-blind, crossover, terkontrol plasebo

Pengaruh campuran galaktooligosakarida (B-GOS) pada mikrobiota usus, parameter imun dan metabonomi pada orang lanjut usia

*Produk ini tidak ditujukan untuk mendiagnosis, mengobati, menyembuhkan, atau mencegah penyakit atau kondisi medis apa pun. Produk ini dirancang untuk kesehatan umum dan tidak mengklaim memberikan manfaat terapeutik. Selalu konsultasikan dengan profesional perawatan kesehatan yang berkualifikasi sebelum melakukan perubahan apa pun pada rutinitas kesehatan atau kebugaran Anda. Suplemen tidak boleh menggantikan diet seimbang.

Pengiriman & Pengantaran
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Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Chris (Melbourne, AU)
Happy with product

Looks to have great research. I am starting low and building up which is going great so far (3 weeks in).

Hi there! Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We're so glad to hear that you're happy with our Prebiotic GOS Supplement and that you're seeing positive results. Keep up the good work and keep us updated on your progress. Let us know if you have any questions or need any additional support. Thank you for choosing our product!

Donna W. (Adelaide, AU)
Life Changing

I am blown away with the power of Gos powder. My son is nonverbal and autistic and with the tiniest of a dose of Gos his anxiety has lowered and he’s much more present, observant, interested in his surroundings and his brain is clearly starting to reconnect more and more. Exciting times!

Hi there! We are so happy to hear that our Prebiotic GOS Supplement has made a positive impact on your son's well-being. It's truly amazing to see how a small dose can have such a big impact. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We are excited for the progress your son is making and we hope our product continues to bring positive changes. Take care!

Amanda M. (Sydney, AU)
Recommend 200%

Was a little unsure but its really what my body needed

Thank you for your positive feedback on our Prebiotic GOS Supplement! We are thrilled to hear that it exceeded your expectations and provided your body with the support it needed. We appreciate your recommendation and hope to continue providing you with high-quality products. Have a great day!

Avril M. (Montville, AU)

Prebiotic GOS Supplement 100g

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review for our Prebiotic GOS Supplement. We're glad to hear that you are enjoying the product. If you need any assistance or have any further feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Happy gut health!

M (Surfers Paradise, AU)
GOS stands for Good Old Sleep

Couldnt be easier to help me promote my gut friends and sleep just like a baby!
(If not for the price Id be a total fan).
Nourishmeorg were brilliant to deal with👍🏻

Hi there! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review for our Prebiotic GOS Supplement. We're thrilled to hear that it's helping you promote good gut health and sleep like a baby! We're sorry about the price, but we hope it's worth a good night sleep. We're glad to know that you're still a fan. We appreciate your support and we're happy to have you as a customer. Thank you for choosing Nourishme Organics!