Alergi musiman bisa menjadi kutukan bagi banyak orang Australia dan tahun ini merupakan salah satu tahun tersulit bagi penderita seperti saya. Saya sudah mencoba segala cara, mulai dari tablet antihistamin hingga semprotan hidung kortikosteroid, dll. Namun, tetap saja tidak ada jalan keluar.
Apa itu Alergi Musiman?
Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy ( ASCIA ) menyatakan bahwa serbuk sari dari rumput, gulma, atau pohon dapat memicu gejala rinitis alergi (umumnya dikenal sebagai demam serbuk sari) dan asma. Musim serbuk sari dapat berlangsung selama beberapa bulan dan paparannya sulit dihindari. Gejala rinitis alergi disebabkan oleh respons imun tubuh terhadap serbuk sari yang terhirup, yang mengakibatkan peradangan kronis pada mata dan saluran hidung. Dalam kasus sedang hingga parah, rinitis alergi bahkan dapat memicu serangan asma.
Mungkinkah Susu Kefir menjadi kunci untuk meringankan gejala alergi musiman?
Selama sebulan terakhir, saya telah meninjau makalah penelitian untuk menemukan solusinya. Anehnya, ternyata kesehatan usus mungkin sekali lagi menjadi kuncinya seperti banyak penyakit yang berhubungan dengan alergi.
Telah banyak penelitian (1, 2, 3) yang menunjukkan efek antialergi dari kefir susu melalui penekanan mekanisme peradangan tubuh. Peradangan dalam konteks ini adalah reaksi tubuh terhadap bahan asing yaitu alergen seperti serbuk sari. Sebagai respons, sel-sel usus menghasilkan metabolit oksigen reaktif (4) seperti hipoklorit (pemutih rumah tangga) dan hidrogen peroksida (bahan kimia pembersih umum).
Hipotesis saya adalah bahwa sistem imun yang terlalu aktif dan produksi metabolit oksigen reaktif dapat mengganggu mikrobioma usus secara signifikan dengan membunuh bakteri komensal atau teman lama (seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Dr. Michael Mosley) tanpa pandang bulu, yang selanjutnya melemahkan usus dan memperburuk keadaan seiring berjalannya waktu. Kami sedang menyelidiki lebih lanjut melalui Gut Explorer - Proyek Analisis Mikrobioma di Allele Microbiome dan meninjau secara cermat semua makanan yang bersifat inflamasi dan praktik gaya hidup.Mengkalibrasi Ulang Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh
Berdasarkan temuan ini, saya mulai meningkatkan dosis kefir susu buatan sendiri menjadi 600 ml (200 ml X 3 kali sehari). Saya mulai menyadari bahwa gejala alergi musiman saya berkurang drastis dan jauh lebih tertahankan. Sekali lagi saya berhipotesis bahwa ini seperti mematikan termostat inflamasi yang memungkinkan teman lama kita untuk mengisi kembali dan memperkuat usus.
1) Lee et. al, Efek anti-inflamasi dan anti-alergi kefir pada model asma tikus,Imunobiologi. 2007;212(8):647-54. Terbit secara elektronik 10 Juli 2007.
4) Simmons NJ et al. Uji kemiluminesensi metabolit oksigen reaktif mukosa pada penyakit radang usus, Gastroenterologi. 1992 Juli;103(1):186-96.
Three members of the family were on home made milk kefir. The first effects were favourable, especially with rinitis. However, things got worse through time. The first noticed gut bloating and stomach trouble and stopped eating it. The second became helpless with inflammation of the finger tissue around nails as allergy to antibacterial cleansers which would not stop. He refrained from kefir but so far with no good effect. The third got all the skin of the intimate part red. Even there, it has not stopped with prescribed medication. Evidently, disruption of the gut flora needs time to reestablish.
My advice: take care, stop with it in time when it still shows favourable results. The gut cannot be outwitted.
Hi, Emmeline, I noticed the difference within a few days of consumption. You can also ask in our Gut Health Gurus Facebook group
Hi Kriben,
I have a seasonal allergy called chronic rhinitis (hay fever) which causes my nose to act up very badly (runny and itchy nose, non stop sneezing, watery eyes) during summer and spring mostly. I am just wondering if you know of anyone (or yourself) who has taken milk kefir or any kind of kefir and it helped that person significantly alleviate or eliminate their symptoms completely? I’m trying to find reviews posted by such persons but not really found any on your website yet…..
I purchased kefir grains a little over a month and a half ago and started making and drinking kefir (2nd fermentation) as soon as I received them. I have seasonal allergies which cause a cough so severe and continuous that you would think I was coughing up a lung. I was on prescription medication of a daily tablet (made me very drowsy) and a nasal spray. I stopped the tablets after two weeks of drinking kefir milk and the nasal spray a few days after that. My allergy cough is practically non-existent. Maybe I could have stopped the prescription medication sooner, but I wanted to give the kefir milk a chance. Now, I simply no longer need the allergy medication and I continue to drink kefir milk daily, 3-4 cups a day, divided between two 16 oz. mugs. I have learned of the many wonderful health benefits of kefir milk, but I wanted to comment on how it has helped my season allergies.
Thank you.
Jane D, Dayton, Ohio
Hi Kriben,
I too have experienced severe allergies (at my worst extreme I’ve had blisters in Sinuses and roof of mouth!). I’ve experienced that when I’m in the midst of an attack, I can gargle a mouth full of kefir and it instantly alleviates all symptoms for about 30 mins, indicating to me that the anti-inflammatory properties may also be topical (i.e. I’m reacting instantly before it reaches gut)? Just thought this may help you with your research.